Accessibility with SoftChalk - Screen Reader tools

The DOJ’s Final Rule for Accessibility and SoftChalk’s Commitment to Inclusive Education

In an era where digital learning is increasingly prevalent, ensuring accessibility for all learners is paramount. At SoftChalk, we are dedicated to this mission, adhering to accessibility standards to provide an inclusive educational experience. This commitment aligns seamlessly with the … Read More

SoftChalk at the USDLA Conference

This month, the SoftChalk team headed to Florida to attend the United States Distance Learning Association Conference held at the Wyndham Resort in Orlando. The USDLA National Conference has long been an event where educators mingle, discuss technology and learn … Read More

SoftChalk at Fiesta of Teaching Technology

Last week, the SoftChalk team headed to to attend ‘Fiesta of Teaching Technology’ at Allamo Colleges District in San Antonio, Texas. Fiesta of Teaching Technology (FTT) is an annual event at St. Philip’s College of Allamo Colleges District. Education service … Read More

2017 SoftChalk Lesson Challenge Winners Announced

Richmond, Virginia, U.S. – May 17, 2017 — SoftChalk, LLC, a leading developer of content authoring solutions for eLearning and digital curriculum, announced today the four winners and four honorable mentions in its annual Lesson Challenge. Each year the Lesson … Read More

Summer 2017 Conferences

Want to know where you can see SoftChalk in action this summer? Check out the list of conferences we’ll be attending below – we hope to see you there! Brightspace Fusion July 19-20 Bellagio – Las Vegas, NV Visit the … Read More

SoftChalk Releases Major Upgrade to Digital Curriculum Authoring Platform

RICHMOND, VA, U.S. — May 23, 2016 — SoftChalk, LLC, the market leader in providing digital curriculum authoring solutions to K12 and Higher Education schools, today released a major new upgrade of their SoftChalk Cloud platform.  The most significant new … Read More