Instructional Designers
Instructional Designers
Turn content creation into a swift, scalable process with our instructional design authoring tools.
Quality instructional design made easy with a simple online learning platform.
Save time with our easy-to-use online learning platform
No coding required. Instructional designers of all technical skill levels can make interactive content that students love. Build from scratch or transform existing material in minutes using SoftChalk to create beautiful, responsive course content.

Interactive experiences for all learning styles
Create interactive activities, quizzes, iFames and annotated text. Choose from 20+ interactives to design and embed in your lessons and make learning experiences highly engaging. It only takes a few minutes to create jigsaw puzzles, image labeling, dragndrop, sorting activities and more.
Leverage instructional best practices in your content design
Develop more effective instructional materials that align with pedagogy, andragogy, and heutagogy best practices and rubrics.
Meet content accessibility standards by producing content in accordance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Level A and Level AA.