Sample lessons created by SoftChalk users to inspire your next lesson

Discover the potential of eLearning with our curated selection of sample lessons. Created by skilled educators, learning technologists, and  designers like you, , these examples showcase the creativity and effectiveness achievable with SoftChalk. 

Whether you’re seeking inspiration or looking to join our dynamic online learning community, these lessons provide a window into the diverse and impactful ways eLearning can enrich education.

The Urinary System Lesson Cover

The Urinary System SoftChalk Lesson Challenge Final 2024

In this lesson we will be discussing the structures of the Urinary System. Usually, when we think of the urinary system, we think about getting rid of waste products through urination. The urinary system, however, involves more than just waste removal. The urinary system plays many important roles in the maintenance of homeostasis. This means this system helps to regulate the internal conditions of the whole body.

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Motor Neuron Disorders: SoftChalk Lesson Challenge Final 2024

Describe the epidemiology, pathophysiology, pathoetiology, and symptomatology of motor neuron disorders (MNDs), such as ALS – Describe the typical and atypical clinical presentation of a person with MNDs – Identify current options for medical and symptomatic management of persons with MNDs – Explain the role of the multidisciplinary management of those with ALS and the role of the physical therapist as it relates to examination, evaluation, and development of an appropriate plan of care

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The Axial Skeleton

In this lesson, we will cover the bones of the axial skeleton and their markings. Key takeaways include listing the axial skeleton components, identifying cranial and facial bones with their markings, recognizing bones in orbital and nasal complexes, understanding skull sutures, and noting differences between adult and infant skulls.

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Conics – Analytic Geometry

The study of motion has been an important topic since ancient times, and calculus is invaluable for describing motion. In this lesson, learners will explore the paths of motion, both explicitly and implicitly defined, and how we can apply calculus to describe the motion.

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