Accessibility with SoftChalk - Screen Reader tools

The DOJ’s Final Rule for Accessibility and SoftChalk’s Commitment to Inclusive Education

In an era where digital learning is increasingly prevalent, ensuring accessibility for all learners is paramount. At SoftChalk, we are dedicated to this mission, adhering to accessibility standards to provide an inclusive educational experience. This commitment aligns seamlessly with the … Read More

Six Ways Flipped Classrooms Impact Learning & Engagement

Flipped learning — a model that reverses the traditional lecture-homework paradigm — offers students fantastic learning possibilities via the use of digital tools. But how does it affect learner engagement? Both researchers and professors who use flipped classrooms have noticed … Read More

Incorporating SoftChalk interactives and activities for flipped learning

  Engaging, interactive materials are at the heart of many flipped classrooms. Whether learners participate in hybrid courses or exclusively online learning, these types of activities build understanding and increase course participation. SoftChalk makes it easy to build courses that … Read More

Flipped Learning: Interactive “Hands-On” Lectures

Photo by Steinar Engeland via Unsplash Classroom learning in higher education comes with its own challenges. As noted by previous studies, students enjoy in person lectures even though they frequently lose attention and retain less information than they do with other forms … Read More

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Flipped Learning: When is it Effective?

The flipped learning concept has proven revolutionary in classrooms. When appropriately implemented, flipped learning can dramatically enhance learning by creating learner engagement, encouraging group discussion, and creating time and space for professors to identify and work with struggling students. However, … Read More