OER & Affordability
Open Educational Resources (OER) transform learning
Access to the educator community in our Learning Object Repository (LOR) improves student affordability.

Inspiration at your fingertips
Gain instant access to thousands of free online learning resources. Discover learning materials created by educators around the globe and use them as is or edit to make them your own.

Make a global impact in our OER-LOR
Choose to make your content discoverable by the SoftChalk educator community in our Open Educational Resources and Learning Object Repository. Contribute your ideas, materials and lessons to the education community around the world and make a global impact.
Keep more of your money in your pocket
Equip your organization with an affordable platform to create, manage and share learning content robust enough to eliminate textbook costs. Save valuable time for instructional developers, faculty and learners as they interact with learning content from any location on any device online. Zero cost to learners to access the content you create using SoftChalk or discover in the OER repository.