Accessibility with SoftChalk - Screen Reader tools

The DOJ’s Final Rule for Accessibility and SoftChalk’s Commitment to Inclusive Education

In an era where digital learning is increasingly prevalent, ensuring accessibility for all learners is paramount. At SoftChalk, we are dedicated to this mission, adhering to accessibility standards to provide an inclusive educational experience. This commitment aligns seamlessly with the … Read More

Lesson Of The Week Recap: September

Catch a recap of all the amazing lessons YOU, our users are creating! Each week we select a stand out, top notch, public lesson from SoftChalk Share and feature it across our social media platforms. At the end of the … Read More

Saying Goodbye to NPAPI

Over the past couple of years Google Chrome has slowly been phasing out their support for the Netscape Plug-In API (NPAPI) and come September of this year Chrome 45 and higher will no longer support it. This means that websites … Read More

SoftChalk acting funny?

Ever have one of those days where SoftChalk just doesn’t seem to be working quite right? You know that you just used it a few days or weeks ago and everything was fine.  Then BOOM, it is freezing up on … Read More