Due to coronavirus COVID-19, schools are asking teachers to continue the learning — with little professional development in distance or online education. The pressures on family dynamics in these troubled times reminds us that we must recognize and address Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in creating an online learning environment. There are many tough questions teachers must ask: How long should lessons be? What is realistic to expect from students? How can I create consistency within an online learning environment? How can I keep students engaged? What about assessment?
SoftChalk and i3DigitalPD are teaming up to host a live online conversation that poses these questions and more. Access is free and open to anyone who wants to participate.
Join Kim Loomis, former Online & Blended Director of Nevada’s Clark County School District and CEO of i3DigitalPD for this lively and informative conversation.
Check out Kim’s most recent blog post for additional information prior to the webinar.
View Kim’s presentation slides.