The librarians at Northeast Lakeview College, one of the Alamo Colleges, used SoftChalk to develop tutorials to assist students in a first-year seminar course designed to support the transition of students enrolled in remedial courses into their college experience. Students are provided with instruction on using the library in preparation for their assignment to research and write a paper on a career they might be interested in pursuing.
Traditionally, library instruction was done in a face-to-face “one shot” library session. Moving the library instruction to online modules provides 24/7 point-of-need access to the materials students need to complete their assignment. The modules include library resources and engaging learning activities such as Xtranormal and Camtasia videos that enhance student learning.
This pilot program, initiated in Fall 2011 and continuing through Spring 2012, is being used to assess the differences in student learning in traditional instruction sessions versus online modules. The presenters will discuss the project background, assessment strategies, lessons learned, post-assessments, and next steps.
Presenters: Julie Nichols and Kristin Johnson, Librarians, Northeast Lakeview College (Alamo Community Colleges)