Orange LIVE! (Learning through Interactive Virtual Education) is the virtual school of the Orange Unified School District in California. Their classes provide traditional high school students with opportunities to experience a technology-rich learning environment, gain graduation credits, and enroll in classes online that might be otherwise unavailable. The content for the online courses are created by the teachers that teach the same face to face course. So although these educators are offered extensive training and mentoring, the content creation process must be streamlined and uncomplicated.
OrangeLIVE! students actively participate in weekly discussions via a discussion board or blog and in periodic “virtual chats” with the teacher and other enrolled students. They complete a technology-rich variety of assignments including projects, surveys, digital videos, interactive textbooks. Students take all tests face-to-face with a teacher on campus, and must log into Blackboard daily. This webinar will describe the unique roles of the students, teachers and administration in creating this successful program.
Presenters: Pam Quiros, Coordinator of Educational Technology Services , Orange USD.