Some traditional schools fail to meet the needs of all students, leaving them frustrated, disappointed and looking for a different approach for schooling. Luckily, online campuses such as GOC, exist as a non-traditional option for students who still want the traditional school experience. Gwinnett Online Campus is a pioneer in the world of online learning, accomplishing what many school systems are only beginning to dream about. Their unique environment offers students in grades 4-12 the opportunity to attend a full-time online program. GOC has committed to seeing the growth and success of their full-time online program by reaching a variety of students including inspiring athletes, medically fragile students, students affected by bullying, independent learners, students that struggle socially, and the home-schooled child. Gwinnett Online Campus has developed a personalized curriculum by having teachers within the county write lessons that cater specifically to the needs of the community.
Join us for this webinar, where Susan Oates, Development Coordinator at Gwinnett Online Campus, will share her experiences and show your institution how an effective online campus can serve its student community with quality online lessons.