Virtual School Series – Georgia Virtual School (Portability and Flexibility)

The Georgia Virtual School was established in 2005. Over the past seven years, GaVS enrollment has grown from 1500 to a projected 15,000+ in 2012-13. The primary reasons for the success of GaVS is the dedicated teaching staff and the commitment to high quality content created by a team of development specialists and subject matter experts who create or revise over 25 courses each year. SoftChalk plays a role because while there are many various “growing pains” in the process of establishing a quality program, a consistent content development process which allows content to be created once but used in a variety of online environments, including multiple LMSs.  Thus providing a stable learning environment for students and staff, and allowing the administration to concentrate on increasing student and parent communication, creating professional development, and improving the overall student experience. This webinar will focus on the elements of a quality online program and answer questions regarding successful implementation of a statewide virtual school.

Jay Heap, Director of Virtual Learning, Georgia Virtual School
Tami Echard, Manager of Instructional Development

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